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The New York Progressive Action Network is an alliance of chapters & affiliates committed to progressive change across the Empire State.

Join our movement.

We are 100% homegrown, made in NY, grassroots activists.


Who We Are

NYPAN is a grassroots progressive organization that grew out of the Bernie Sanders movement. We advocate for issues and campaigns and we lobby elected officials (that is, we remind them that they work for the people). We recruit and support progressive candidates from all political parties, and endorse progressive candidates across the state. We fully intend to turn politics­-as-­usual in New York State upside down!

News & Updates


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NYPAN is a statewide organization, built around its local chapters and affiliates. We believe in working "from the bottom up." Each chapter and affiliate is autonomous and unique, but our shared values and organizational structure make us strong.


Election Reform



Racial & Social Justice
