Exciting news! We did it! Yesterday, the bill making all single stall restrooms in New York State gender neutral became law. Assembly Member O'Donnell, and the entire team working on passing this legislation, is grateful for your individual and organizational advocacy to help trans, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary New Yorkers. See the announcement HERE.

This bill is about more than just restrooms - it's about transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary peoples’ right to be themselves anywhere in New York State. To be able to to go any store, bar or restaurant with dignity, safety, and affirmation. And to do so without fear of harassment or discrimination. Trans rights have come a long way in New York State. This bill was introduced in 2017 as a direct response to attacks on the trans community around the country - some of which we're still fighting. It is a water shed moment that, when the bill passed the NY Legislature this year, it did so with unanimous approval in the NY Assembly - Democratic and Republican votes - and with strong bipartisan support in the NY State Senate, where Senator Salazar sponsored the bill. This proves that in New York State, trans rights are human rights. 

Thank you for your advocacy! By speaking up, tweeting, and signing onto the letter urging this bill to be signed, you ensured that this legislation became law. Thank you! And congratulations.