It Will Be a ‘Second American Revolution’ that Will Be Bloodless ‘If the Left Allows It to Be’

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Blaming US for the violence THEY plan to unleash.

by B Kean

The Heritage Foundation’s president is saying — not signaling, not hinting at, but telling us right to our faces —that “when Donald Trump is elected in November, a second revolution will begin. This second revolution will be void of blood and violence, if “the left rolls over and accepts it.” If we exercise our rights as Americans to protest, then Roberts can’t be so sure heads won’t roll.

Project 25 is not a joke. It is a blueprint in the way Hitler’s Mein Kampf was a blueprint showing how a revitalized German nation would weed out citizens of Jewish descent. Similar to the reaction to Mein Kampf before Hitler took power, few people are paying much attention to Project 25. Unless you are an avid reader and writer on Medium or just politically inclined, then you dangerously know nothing about the plans for turning the United States into a white Christian fascist state. If goofy Snoop Dogg, the faux tough-guy rapper who flipped MAGA to make it MACA (Make America Crip Again) in a 2017 song, knew anything about Project 25, he wouldn’t be hinting at voting for Trump.

If any sane American, including the disillusioned pro-Hamas Palestinians in Michigan threatening to vote for Trump, knew what Ken Roberts, whose name has been floated as a potential chief of staff for Trump, was promising to do in the first 25 days of a second Trump administration then Biden would be crushing Trump in the polls. No one is paying attention, though, and Roberts realizes this, which is why he is so openly and confidently articulating their intentions.

“We’re going to change things.” No one asks what he means.

“We’re going to change things radically.” No one seems to be paying attention.

“We are going to kick people’s asses and cut off heads if anyone objects to our plans.” No one reacts, and even those who hear it think he is just exaggerating.

When Trump is elected, and Roberts and his army of brown shirts begin to enact Project 25, who do you think will be the first to race out into the streets, don Pussy Hats, and protest against the loss of our democracy? Every potential Biden voter should be an unofficial campaign worker sharing this information with their neighbors, friends at mahjong night and just spoken into the white mist while “schvitzing” at the sauna.

Roberts praised the SCOTUS decision that makes presidents unanswerable to the law — dictators above the law.

It is sickening how easily the right uses lies to justify their extremism. It’s Democrats, we find out, who are the violent ones.

Here is what you need to know about Project 25.

Q: What is Project 2025?

A: Project 2025 is an initiative developed by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, to make significant changes to the backbone of the U.S. federal government. It is designed to be implemented if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election. The project is built around a conservative policy agenda and aims to ensure that Republican loyalists are in place at all levels of the federal bureaucracy to carry out policies, effectively from the first days of a new administration. If enacted, it would bring significant changes across various aspects of American life, encompassing government operations, environmental regulations, social policies and civil service structures.

Q: What are the main components of Project 2025?

A: The project is structured around four main pillars:

Policy Agenda: The Policy Agenda is a detailed guide for the incoming administration, offering specific proposals for every major issue facing the country. It builds on the legacy of the Heritage Foundation’s previous policy guides and pulls expertise from across the conservative movement to formulate effective strategies.

Presidential Personnel Database: The Presidential Personnel Database aims to cast a wide net across the country to identify conservative individuals from all walks of life who can serve in the next administration. This is meant to ensure that the policy agenda can be implemented effectively by having loyalists in key positions.

Presidential Administration Academy: The academy brings together experts who have served in prior GOP administrations to share their knowledge through workshops, seminars, online videos, and mentorship programs. This training is intended to prepare new recruits to carry out the administration’s policies effectively.

180-Day Playbook: The 180-Day Playbook is a plan outlining actions to be taken in the first six months of the new administration. Its goal is to essentially repeal various policies of the previous administration, including steps to implement the most urgent parts of the conservative agenda immediately after taking office (What Is Project 25?).

If Democrats proposed even 1/64th of such a program for “revolutionizing” American society, people would be out in the streets with their stupid guns. We saw how the lunatics reacted over masking; imagine their response to a Democrat-created Project 25.

My question, and I am sure many of you are asking, is this: Why isn’t the media (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, LA Times, the Philadelphia Enquirer, etc.) talking about this proposed and radical takeover of our government 24/7? There hasn’t been one mention of Project 25 this week by “mainstream media,” yet they froth daily at their mouths over whether Biden is too old. Why is no one highlighting this promised takeover and linking Trump to this fascist radicalism?

What has happened to our country is so sad. Walter Cronkite would have been all over Project 25.

Shout it to the rooftops, people, Project 25! Trump and Project 25! Vote Blue!


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