Future of Democracy on the Ballot in 2024

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by Robert Buonaspina*

As we head into what arguably is the most important election in the history of this country — with many pundits describing it as democracy vs. fascism — progressives and their allies need to seize the moment and leverage collective power to bring about true democratic reforms.

Sitting this election out seems like a risky choice and could be a lost opportunity to bring about changes in a potential second term for President Joe Biden.

Democrats, Democratic Socialists, and Working Families Party candidates need to coalesce and create a unified platform that includes some real changes long overdue along with some promising newer and fresher ideas to create a brighter future.

That agenda could include universal health care, a living wage, affordable government-financed housing, stronger voting rights laws, codification of abortion rights, tougher pro-union laws, and a pathway to college for all Americans.

In New York State, efforts need to see through passage of the New York Health Act recently introduced again into the State Legislature. This sweeping proposal would provide quality health care for all New Yorkers while also decreasing the costs for the vast majority of New Yorkers. Such a win would put fresh energy on a nationwide push for similar changes. 

President Biden should know that a vote cast for him and other aligned progressive Democratic candidates is a vote for this agenda. If he truly seeks to continue to lead in the fashion of FDR, he would be wise to embrace these ideas as part of his platform, reaching out to the growing progressive wing of the party and country for their support.

That agenda in short:

Universal Health Care: Providing healthcare as a right to all Americans. It polls in high numbers by all Americans. And we are the only developed nation in the world that currently does not guarantee healthcare as a human right. Over 100 nations have figured a way to deliver quality health care to their people — and we are well positioned to do the same.

Guaranteed Living Wage Jobs in a New Care Economy: Using the principles set forth via Modern Monetary Theory and adopting a care economy similar to the several current European models in place, we should create living wage jobs for all Americans.

Government-Funded Social Housing: Housing is a basic human right, but too many Americans live without safe and decent homes. Thanks to a system that favors the real estate lobby and big corporate landlords over tenants and homeless Americans, we are facing a historic housing crisis. The government needs to change that by supporting the building of social housing, providing pathways to home ownership for those in need of shelter.

Codification of Roe. v. Wade: A Democratic bill making choice a national protected right, undoing in the process efforts passed to restrict abortions via the Dobb decision and state legislatures.

A Stronger Pro-Union Formation Law: An update to the National Labor Relations Act that includes protective language for all workers who wish to unionize. Such legislation would prohibit firing any employee(s) who wish to form a union and apply to workers in all fields. 

Pathways to Higher Education for All: Utilizing our current state four year and two year public college and university system to provide for a free education for all students. 

Growing a true democracy in America by strengthening the party in a second Biden administration would be in the best interest of our country.

A Democratic-led U.S. Senate could and should change the filibuster rule and return the body to its past more democratic simple majority voting process. Such a change with the additional support of a Democratic-majority U.S. House of Representatives, would make it possible to secure all the above agenda items and more as we move the country to a much more stable footing. 

Congress could and should remove their artificial spending limits to spending bills to best fund via MMT guidelines these big society programs. 

In the end, the disappearing GOP would be replaced by a more functioning political party, paving way for positive changes. In short order, the fears of fascism would be replaced by the creation of a Second Progressive Era — bigger and bolder than the first — ushering real changes for all Americans. 

While many progressives have distanced themselves from President Biden’s stance on the Israel-Hama war, there is now some room for him to  reach back to the left of the party and country with his current Gaza humanitarian relief efforts. 

In this highly divided time, let’s use this opportunity to further the causes of the people — to build a country that serves the needs of the many, not just the few. The cure for our current divided time is a social democracy — one worth voting and fighting for.


*The author serves on the Executive Committee of the New York Progressive Action Network and on the Steering Committee of Long Island Activists

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