How Joe Biden Can Still Slow MAGA Fascism & Save American Lives
In his final two months in office, Biden can make seismic changes to help tens of millions of Americans — but will he have the courage to act?
by Qasim Rashid
Biden calls Trump a fascist. If he truly believes that, then rather than simply invite Trump to the White House for a meet and greet, he should act with urgency to build protections for the people Trump will try to hurt. Here’s what that looks like.
Actions Biden Could Take Now, If He’s Willing to Fight
1. Protect Abortion Access Nationwide
As I’ve written in painful detail before, we have a national health crisis in abortion access, with devastating effects on women’s health, safety, and autonomy. Biden could issue an executive order protecting abortion access nationally and saving lives in the meantime. While such an order might only be in place temporarily, even a short-term reprieve means more women would be able to access essential care, protecting their lives and well-being. And if your response to this proposal is—”won’t Trump just repeal Biden’s executive order on Day 1 in office?” I address that extremely valid point below. For now, let us recognize that even affording women another two months to prepare for a potential national abortion ban will be life saving.
2. Cancel All Student Debt & Cap Rates at 1%
Biden has the authority, through the Department of Education, to cancel student debt. He has already used that authority to cancel $175B in student debt. Now, he has the opportunity to cancel it all—just as he promised when he ran for President in 2020. As I wrote for NBC, cancelling student debt will increase GDP, strengthen the economy, create up to 1.5 million new jobs, increase home buying and enable parents to afford to have more children, help level the playing field in the current racial economic injustices Black and Latino students face, and decrease depression and suicide rates. Biden can provide these benefits literally with the swipe of a pen. Indeed as The Debt Collective further points out:
Again, some may argue that Trump would likely try to roll this back — but if so, let’s force him to make that choice publicly. Imagine Trump explaining to the 40 million Americans shackled by $1.7 trillion in exploitative debt that he plans to reinstate that burden while simultaneously cancelling $2 trillion in taxes for the wealthiest Americans?
3. End All Arms to Netanyahu
Biden must end the U.S. supply of arms to Israel under Netanyahu. Not only does Netanyahu’s administration violate U.S. and international law, but Biden’s own State Department has confirmed this. The election is behind us, so there exists not even a political excuse any longer. Stop funding genocide, Mr. President. Uphold constitutional and international human rights law. Do it because it’s right. Do it because our government must stop funding war crimes against Palestinians. Do it because the American people expect moral leadership, not complicit silence.
4. Preserve Civil Service and Prevent Military Deployments on Civilians
President Biden can also steps to secure the civil service from political interference, update and strengthen the Posse Comitatus Act (“PCA”). Most people have never heard of this piece of legislation because it has not been relevant in 150 years beyond combatting drug trafficking. But sadly, it will be critical to prevent Trumpian fascism from expanding use of the PCA—especially as he promises to deploy the military to quell civil and peaceful protest. As the Department of Justice explains:
Those exceptions currently largely revolve around drug enforcement. Biden must work to pass additional restrictions, however possible, to prevent the military from being misused, and work with the Pentagon to ensure the military cannot be turned into a personal security force by future administrations.
5. Commute the Death Penalty for Federal Prisoners
Right now there are roughly 2500 people on federal death row. When Trump was last in office, he lifted the moratorium on executions, and now that he’s returning to the White House, there is little doubt that the “pro life” President will execute as many of those 2500 people as possible. As I’ve written before, we must abolish the death penalty in the United States because it is unjust, it executes innocent people, it is extremely costly and wasteful, and it does nothing to actually make our communities safer.
President Biden could take the federal death row prisoners off of death row before Trump reinstates federal executions. He could commute the executions of each person and relegate them to life in prison. This act alone would prevent further exploitation of people’s lives for political gain. Again, this is literally the swipe of a pen away.
But won’t Trump repeal each EO on Day 1 in Office?
Now let’s address the elephant in the room, and I don’t mean Donald Trump. Many argue that these executive orders could be overturned by the next administration. And yes, technically, that’s true. But I ask you to first consider three critical facts.