American Plutocracy Would Adapt Swiftly and Smoothly to Authoritarianism


Just look at where the donations are flowing.

by Charles P. Pierce

There’s a lot of tres piquant news as we roll into the first anniversary of the events of January 6. (How does one celebrate the first anniversary of a barely unsuccessful coup, assuming that seizing the radio station or the airport is out of the question?) First, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago has cancelled his scheduled Horsewhip The Press event, announcing instead that he will tell all at one of his wankfests in Arizona next week. Second, former Trump adviser Peter Navarro went on teevee with MSNBC's Ari Melber and explained how the institutional coup was going to work itself out through compliant members of Congress and the presumed complicity of Mike Pence. (To his everlasting credit, Melber explained to Navarro that he was describing a coup.) And the special congressional committee released a batch of texts between Camp Runamuck and various Fox News teevee stars, in which the latter were pleading for the president* to turn off the madness, all of which should embarrass any legitimate journalists who ever stood up in defense of that whorehouse.

But CNBC produced a singularly important story about the expensive suits manning the engine room of the USS Ratfcker.

If Omicron passed as quickly as did the attacks of conscience after January 6, we wouldn’t be having half as many problems as we do.

There’s an important point to be made here: American plutocracy would adapt swiftly and smoothly to American authoritarianism. Corporations would line up to play the role of Krupp or IG Farben in Steve Bannon’s 100-year Reich. Some of them actually would prefer it, just as it was industrialists and bankers who sought to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935. From the Washington Post:

Counting on the essential patriotism of American corporations has been a sucker’s game for a long time.


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