Got anything you want publicized? Email it to the Calendar here!

Join us for a screening on July 31st!
Click image above for trailer
And check out the NYPAN News for a hard-hitting new article
every Monday through Saturday morning!
If you haven't told us your interests yet, please do so here!
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On the Calendar this week (click or scroll) - or see as a list!
- Happening Soon
- Committee Doings
- Resistance
- Chapter Doings
- Climate Crisis
- Elections
- Fair WagesNew!
- Healthcare
- Job Openings
- Other groups
- Peace & Justice
- The People's Budget
- Public Banking
- Roe
- Tax The Rich / Invest in Our NY
- Union & Labor
- Working Families Party
- Interesting Stuff for You!
July 16 - A Webinar on ALEC: Criminalizing Climate Action, 1:00pm, zoom RSVP
July 17 - Forum and phone calls to #CloseRikers, 6:30pm, zoom RSVP
July 20 - Not on Our Dime! coalition demo calling for an end to Israeli settler violence and demanding our state stop subsidizing Israeli settlement expansion, 6:00pm. Herald Square RSVP
July 21 - Weekly table and canvassing for the NY Health Act, every Friday from 1:00-3:00pm, outside Duane Reade West 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue RSVP
July 22 - Weekly table and canvassing for the NY Health Act, every Saturday from 1:00-3:00pm, Gunhill Road and Seymour Avenue at the 5 train stop RSVP
July 22 - Join Queens County Young Democrats and Team AOC voter registration drive in College Point, Queens, with a post drive social hour, noon-4:00pm RSVP
The Single Payer Committee
The Single Payer Committee normally meets on the second Monday of every month, so the next meeting will be on August 14th, at 7:00pm, and all are welcome! Use this zoom
We now have SIX working groups! More at NYHA@nypan.org
TikTok Working Group - our newest! Contact Abby Gavin, Abby@nypan.org, to jump in and create brilliant TikToks that will help move the bar on passing the Health Act - particularly with younger people - our future!
People2People Working Group - Contact Erl Kimmich, erlendkimmich@gmail.com or 646-596-0228. People2People is focused on outreach from person to person, because we will need people power to pressure leaders to improve the mess that is our current health care system.
Research Working Group - Contact Ting Barrow, tingb@nypan.org. Research continues to look for information to assist Electoral with power mapping our senators, to create county tax savings numbers, and to help create forceful flyers.
Labor Working Group - Contact Jeff Mikkelson, jeff@nypan.org. Labor is developing strategies and outreach materials to amplify existing support for and overcome lingering opposition to the NY Health Act among labor unions, focusing on the large public sector unions that wield significant influence over Democratic leadership and the legislative process.
Electoral Working Group - Contact Ting Barrow, tingb@nypan.org. Electoral has begun the process of power mapping every one of our state senators, and is bent on finding the levers that will move them to #PassNYHealth as well as a strategy to use those levers with other organizations during the next session.
Medical Professionals Working Group - Contact Donald Gardner, donald@gardnerproject.com. This new working group will work on building support among medical professionals, in particular in organizations.
Tell Congress: Eliminate tax exempt statuses for major sports leagues and make these multi-billion dollar corporations finally pay what they owe.
Tell the IRS that you support free direct tax-filing software that every taxpayer can use.
Tell President Biden to reissue his student loan cancellation plan under the Higher Education Act immediately.
Tell Republicans: HELL NO to Social Security and Medicare cuts!
The Working Families Party is joining more than 75 organizations who have endorsed Rep. Betty McCollum’s bill, the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act. Join us in calling on Congress to support this bill
July 13 - PEER Environmental Panel, 6:30-8:00pm, zoom RSVP
July 16 - A Webinar on ALEC: Criminalizing Climate Action, 1:00pm, zoom RSVP
July 20 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, University at Albany: Campus Center Auditorium, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 RSVP
July 20 - Planning call for volunteers: March to End Fossil Fuels, 7:00pm, zoom RSVP Every Thursday through September 14
July 27 - Free Virtual Panel concerning the issues in our upcoming film, “To the End” (screening on July 31st), 2:00pm, zoom, RSVP
Aug. 15 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Westchester County Center, White Plains RSVP
Aug. 24 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Suffolk County Community College, Suffolk Credit Union Arena, Crooked Hill Rd, Brentwood, NY 11717 RSVP
Sep. 17 - YUGE climate march in NYC and elsewhere. Save the date! MORE - RSVP
The beginning of July was the hottest week on record for the planet as a whole. The climate crisis is here – and while our communities have to face record-breaking heat and unbreathable air, the people responsible for killing the planet are living it up in the Hamptons. That’s why we’re bringing the fight to them for 4 days of direct actions in the Hamptons, and we need your help. Can you chip in to help us transport and feed climate and housing activists to take on the 1%?
Video of Bernie and AOC’s July 12th Climate forum
Email regulators and Governor Hochul to call for a just cap-trade-and-invest program
Urgent: Tell Governor Hochul to STOP Holtec from dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River by signing S6893/A7208
Tell President Biden to declare a national climate emergency
Economy and Infrastructure Roundup”, produced by the Economy Working Group of the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank. Filled with relevant climate information.
Climate News - a source for all things climate
July 22 - Join Queens County Young Democrats and Team AOC voter registration drive in College Point, Queens, with a post drive social hour, noon-4:00pm RSVP
New York elections are at a dangerous crossroads. New voting machines, called "all-in-one" and "universal-use", are attempting to flood the state. These systems do not allow you to vote with a pen and paper. We want to have the option to vote with a pen & paper, the way we have for years. It lowers costs, keeps wait times down, and is preferred by security & auditing experts. Please EMAIL THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS - even if you don’t live in NYS. (Note link takes a few seconds to open).
July 26 - Learn about the One Fair Wage Campaign featuring our own Jennyfer Almanzar, 7:00pm, on this zoom
July 21 - Weekly table and canvassing for the NY Health Act, every Friday from 1:00-3:00pm, outside Duane Reade West 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue RSVP
July 22 - Weekly table and canvassing for the NY Health Act, every Saturday from 1:00-3:00pm, Gunhill Road and Seymour Avenue at the 5 train stop RSVP
Aug. 14 - Single Payer Committee meeting, 7:00pm, zoom Use this zoom All are welcome!
Sep. 16 - Table for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade kickoff event, 11:00am-6:00pm, Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building Plaza in Harlem SAVE the DATE!
Sep. 17 - Flyer for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade, locations to be announced SAVE the DATE!
Urge President Biden and Congress to leave our Medicare alone.
Will you join us in extending your gratitude to every Medicare for All cosponsor for their support?
Call 311 and tell Mayor Adams that public nurses deserve equal pay with private nurses!
Tell Congress: Pass Medicare for All, Now!
Bernie: At a time when every other major country on earth guarantees health care for all, it is time for the U.S. to do the same. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read my latest op-ed in the Guardian that addresses our dysfunctional health care system, and then sign my petition to say you support a Medicare for All, single-payer system.
Single Payer News - useful articles, regularly updated by Tim Frasca.
Apply now to be JVP’s Media Coordinator!
Long Island Progressive Coalition is hiring for two positions: Communications Coordinator and Community Organizers
Councilmember Shahana Hanif is looking for a Constituent Services Director! MORE and a part-time team member to assist with outreach in the Kensington community MORE
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offers internships in both her Washington D.C. and District offices.
NMIC is offering a Home Health Aide program three-week training that provides employment MORE And a security program with a three-week long remote training FLYER - MORE
Restoration Farms is seeking an assistant field manager and 2 summer apprentices to join our team for the 2023 season
New Assembly Member Sarahana Shrestha has three openings: Chief of Staff, Communications & Outreach Director and Constituent Services Director
Restoration Farms is seeking an assistant field manager and 2 summer apprentices to join our team for the 2023 season
The Mason Tenders are offering job training
Listings from the Idealist
Wikimedia is looking for a variety of positions
Jobs listed in City and State
Aug. 3 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 4 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 5 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 6 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Northwest Bronx Indivisible calendar of events
Our Revolution calendar of events
July 17 - Forum and phone calls to #CloseRikers, 6:30pm, zoom RSVP
July 20 - Not on Our Dime! coalition demo calling for an end to Israeli settler violence and demanding our state stop subsidizing Israeli settlement expansion, 6:00pm. Herald Square RSVP
Tell Congress: End U.S. funding for the Israeli military’s crimes against Palestinians
New Yorkers: Stop the flow of U.S. dollars to illegal Israeli settlements
Support Israelis who refuse to take part in the destruction of Palestine
Sign to support Rep. Cori Bush’s Reparations Now Resolution
Email your Congress person to ensure that, prior to admission to the Visa Waiver Program, Israel verifiably ends its discrimination against American citizens of Palestinian origin, Arab Americans, and others who express criticism of the Occupation traveling to and from Israel
We demand a People’s Budget: Tell Mayor Adams to fund #CareNotCuts so our communities can thrive.
Stand with the Abortion Justice Act safeguard the fundamental human right to reproductive care.
Add your name today if you agree it's time for Congress to pass the PRO Act to restore the right of workers to form a union and collectively bargain for wages, benefits, and dignity at work.
Sign the petition demanding the Amazon Board of Directors go to the negotiating table in good faith and work out a contract with the Amazon Labor Union.
Aug. 16 - WFPNYC RAC meeting, 7:00pm, zoom SAVE THE DATE!
How Many More Summers Like This Is It Going To Take?
Video of Bernie and AOC’s July 12th Climate forum
Canada Offers Lesson in the Economic Toll of Climate Change
Boston's Colonial Universities Grab Land for Profit, War, and Medical Apartheid
How New York’s Democratic Socialists Brought Unions Around to Public Renewables
July 16
July 16 - A Webinar on ALEC: Criminalizing Climate Action, 1:00pm, zoom RSVP
July 17
July 17 - Forum and phone calls to #CloseRikers, 6:30pm, zoom RSVP
July 20
July 20 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, University at Albany: Campus Center Auditorium, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 RSVP
July 20 - Not on Our Dime! coalition demo calling for an end to Israeli settler violence and demanding our state stop subsidizing Israeli settlement expansion, 6:00pm. Herald Square RSVP
July 21
July 21 - Weekly table and canvassing for the NY Health Act, every Friday from 1:00-3:00pm, outside Duane Reade West 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue RSVP
July 22
July 22 - Join Queens County Young Democrats and Team AOC voter registration drive in College Point, Queens, with a post drive social hour, noon-4:00pm RSVP
July 22 - Weekly table and canvassing for the NY Health Act, every Saturday from 1:00-3:00pm, Gunhill Road and Seymour Avenue at the 5 train stop RSVP
July 26
July 26 - Learn about the One Fair Wage Campaign featuring our own Jennyfer Almanzar, 7:00pm, on this zoom
Aug. 3
Aug. 3 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 4
Aug. 4 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 5
Aug. 5 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 6
Aug. 6 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 14
Aug. 14 - Single Payer Committee meeting, 7:00pm, zoom Use this zoom All are welcome!
Aug. 15
Aug. 15 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Westchester County Center, White Plains RSVP
Aug. 16
Aug. 16 - WFPNYC RAC meeting, 7:00pm, zoom SAVE THE DATE!
Sep. 16
Sep. 16 - Table for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade kickoff event, 11:00am-6:00pm, Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building Plaza in Harlem SAVE the DATE!
Sep. 17
Sep. 17 - Flyer for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade, locations to be announced SAVE the DATE!
Sep. 17 - YUGE climate march in NYC and elsewhere. Save the date! MORE - RSVP
Aug. 24
Aug. 24 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Suffolk County Community College, Suffolk Credit Union Arena, Crooked Hill Rd, Brentwood, NY 11717 RSVP
Then we'd love you to become an Associate Member. Your membership helps us fight for progressive issues like the NY Health Act. Plus gets you access to special, members-only events. Thanks!