Got anything you want publicized? Email it to the Calendar here!

Join us for a free screening on July 31st!
Click image above for trailer
And check out the NYPAN News for a hard-hitting new article
every Monday through Saturday morning!
If you haven't told us your interests yet, please do so here!
Become a Sustainer and help keep this Calendar coming!
On the Calendar this week (click or scroll) - or see as a list!
- Happening Soon
- Committee Doings
- Resistance
- Climate Crisis
- Elections
- Gender
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Job Openings
- Other groups
- Peace & Justice
- The People's BudgetNew!
- Pride
- Public BankingNew!
- Replace Jay Jacobs
- Tax The Rich / Invest in Our NY
- Union & Labor
- Voter ProtectionNew!
- Working Families Party
- Interesting Stuff for You!
June 18 - Online Film Salon: “The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual For Military Occupation”, 3:00pm RSVP - TRAILER
June 19 - Read out the names on "Cornerstone of Peace" in Okinawa, 8:00-9:00pm, zoom MORE
June 19 - Canvas for Merton Simpson, noon-3:00pm, 21 Colvin Avenue Democratic Party Headquarters RSVP
June 20 - PNHP party “Celebrating Single Payer Champions”, 6:00pm - 8:30pm, virtual and in-person, SAJ NYC, 15 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 RSVP
June 20 - PNHP party “Celebrating Single Payer Champions”, 6:00pm - 8:30pm, virtual and in-person, SAJ NYC, 15 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 RSVP
June 21 - PNHP forum: “Protecting children from the upcoming “Medicaid Unwinding”, 9:00pm, zoom RSVP
June 21 - Rent Guidelines Board FINAL VOTE, 6:00pm, Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, NY RSVP Any rent increase would mean EVICTIONS. That’s why we need everyone to stand up together against evictions at this vote.
The Single Payer Committee
The Single Payer Committee normally meets on the second Monday of every month, so the next meeting will be on July 10th, at 7:00pm, and all are welcome! Use this zoom
We now have SIX working groups! More at NYHA@nypan.org
TikTok Working Group - our newest! Contact Abby Gavin, Abby@nypan.org, to jump in and create brilliant TikToks that will help move the bar on passing the Health Act - particularly with younger people - our future!
People2People Working Group - Contact Erl Kimmich, erlendkimmich@gmail.com or 646-596-0228. People2People is focused on outreach from person to person, because we will need people power to pressure leaders to improve the mess that is our current health care system.
Research Working Group - Contact Ting Barrow, tingb@nypan.org. Research continues to look for information to assist Electoral with power mapping our senators, to create county tax savings numbers, and to help create forceful flyers.
Labor Working Group - Contact Jeff Mikkelson, jeff@nypan.org. Labor is developing strategies and outreach materials to amplify existing support for and overcome lingering opposition to the NY Health Act among labor unions, focusing on the large public sector unions that wield significant influence over Democratic leadership and the legislative process.
Electoral Working Group - Contact Ting Barrow, tingb@nypan.org. Electoral has begun the process of power mapping every one of our state senators, and is bent on finding the levers that will move them to #PassNYHealth as well as a strategy to use those levers with other organizations during the next session.
Medical Professionals Working Group - Contact Donald Gardner, donald@gardnerproject.com. This new working group will work on building support among medical professionals, in particular in organizations.
And we just got in 5,000 more of our latest flyer. Check it out!
June 29 - Demonstrate against Ron DeSantis’ fundraising in NY, 4:30-6:00pm, Suffern, NY RSVP
With hospital consolidations happening across the country, do you know who owns your local hospital?
Demand that cable companies – including Comcast, Charter, Xfinity and Cox – take dangerous disinformation off the air now: DEPLATFORM FOX!
Tell Your Rep: Fight Back Against Corporate Greed and Co-Sponsor the Reward Work Act
Tell your Senators to add an amendment to fully preserve funding to the IRS so the rich pay their fair share!
Sign our petition calling for an assault weapons ban in all 50 states
Reject the GOP's plan to enrich the wealthy with a 30% tax on working families!
Demand Congress pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act
Sign the petition: Members of Congress should not be allowed to own or trade individual stock
Demand a criminal investigation of Rudy Giuliani
Send a direct message to your Senators and Representative demanding they vote for a clean debt ceiling increase now.
Sign the petition: Revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status
July 14 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, North Country Community College, Sparks Athletic Complex Alumni Gymnasium. 23 Santanoni Avenue, Saranac Lake NY 12983 RSVP
July 20 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, University at Albany: Campus Center Auditorium, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 RSVP
June 29 - “Get Greenidge Out” press event & rally, tentatively 11:00am at the Bull on Wall Street. One year ago the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation denied climate-killing cryptominer Greenidge Generation’s air permit renewal. But a year later, Greenidge is still operating while it appeals that decision, still harming the climate, environment, and local economy by burning fracked gas just to mine Bitcoin.
Aug. 15 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Westchester County Center, White Plains RSVP
Aug. 24 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Suffolk County Community College, Suffolk Credit Union Arena, Crooked Hill Rd, Brentwood, NY 11717 RSVP
Tell President Biden to declare a national climate emergency
Email legislative leaders in Albany, asking them to pass the CCPF and create 90,000 good, green jobs
Help us move the Climate and Community Protection Fund through the Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee by making a call to Chair Debroah Glick
Email your representatives to stop living in the fossil fuel past. The future of heat starts now, with the NY HEAT Act!
Economy and Infrastructure Roundup”, produced by the Economy Working Group of the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank. Filled with relevant climate information.
Climate News - a source for all things climate
June 19 - Canvas for Merton Simpson, noon-3:00pm, 21 Colvin Avenue Democratic Party Headquarters RSVP
June 27 - GOTV Poll Site Canvass for Jennyfer Almanzar , many times and locations RSVP
June 27 - Canvass for Maria & Luis Ordoñez for District Leader on Election Day!
Email to your state legislator and tell them to pass A7632 / S7394, which would make no-excuse absentee voting a reality.
Tell lawmakers to protect trans New Yorkers by passing the Gender Identity Respect, Dignity, and Safety Act.
June 20 - PNHP party “Celebrating Single Payer Champions”, 6:00pm - 8:30pm, virtual and in-person, SAJ NYC, 15 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 RSVP
June 21 - PNHP forum: “Protecting children from the upcoming “Medicaid Unwinding”, 9:00pm, zoom RSVP
June 23 - Weekly DSA/NYPAN table for the New York Health Act, noon-2:00pm, SW corner West 79th Street and Amsterdam at Duane Reade
June 24 - Public hospital nurses deserve a workable contract! Demo 11:30am, Carter Hospital, 1752 Park Avenue, Harlem
Sep. 16 - Table for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade kickoff event, 11:00am-6:00pm, Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building Plaza in Harlem SAVE the DATE!
Sep. 17 - Flyer for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade, locations to be announced SAVE the DATE!
Call 311 and tell Mayor Adams that public nurses deserve equal pay with private nurses!
Tell Congress: Pass Medicare for All, Now!
Bernie: At a time when every other major country on earth guarantees health care for all, it is time for the U.S. to do the same. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read my latest op-ed in the Guardian that addresses our dysfunctional health care system, and then sign my petition to say you support a Medicare for All, single-payer system.
Senate Hearing Highlights Problems with Medicare Advantage Directories and Networks
Single Payer News - useful articles, regularly updated by Tim Frasca.
June 21 - Rent Guidelines Board FINAL VOTE, 6:00pm, Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, NY RSVP Any rent increase would mean EVICTIONS. That’s why we need everyone to stand up together against evictions at this vote.
Your representatives need to hear from you TODAY: Good Cause MUST be part of any final housing package
Add your name to say NO to rent hikes. Mayor Adams can either stand with tenants or stand on the side of big real estate.
Councilmember Shahana Hanif is looking for a Constituent Services Director! MORE
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offers internships in both her Washington D.C. and District offices.
NMIC is offering a Home Health Aide program three-week training that provides employment MORE And a security program with a three-week long remote training FLYER - MORE
Restoration Farms is seeking an assistant field manager and 2 summer apprentices to join our team for the 2023 season
New Assembly Member Sarahana Shrestha has three openings: Chief of Staff, Communications & Outreach Director and Constituent Services Director
NMIC Free Home Health Aide Training in English or Spanish
The Mason Tenders are offering job training
JFREJ is seeking a full-time Finance Director
City Council member Shahana Hanif’s office is looking for a new part-time team member to assist with outreach in the Kensington community MORE
Wikimedia is looking for a variety of positions
Aug. 3 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 4 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 5 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 6 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Northwest Bronx Indivisible calendar of events
Our Revolution calendar of events
June 18 - Online Film Salon: “The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual For Military Occupation”, 3:00pm RSVP - TRAILER
June 19 - Read out the names on "Cornerstone of Peace" in Okinawa, 8:00-9:00pm, zoom MORE
June 23 - Okinawa's Memorial Day in NY, 1:30-2:30pm, at the steps of 42nd Street NY Public Library on 5th Avenue MORE
June 25 - Protest at the White House to demand Biden take Cuba off the List of “State Sponsors of Terrorism” MORE
Email your Congress person to ensure that, prior to admission to the Visa Waiver Program, Israel verifiably ends its discrimination against American citizens of Palestinian origin, Arab Americans, and others who express criticism of the Occupation traveling to and from Israel
Support the Equal Rights Amendment!
Sign a petition demanding that the United Nations take action against the US government for continuing to deny Steve Donziger his freedom.
Tell state lawmakers to protect immigrant communities by passing the New York for All Act.
Demand that the Biden administration make good on its promise for a welcoming and inclusive immigration policy and withdraw the troops at the border
Call on President Biden to Address the Crisis in Gaza
Please sign this petition calling on Biden, Putin and Zelensky to support a ceasefire and peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine
Contact Mayor Adams and your council member to demand that they prioritize a budget that reflects our shared values of compassion and care, not cuts and criminalization.
Demand Target ignore right-wing bigots and put their Pride merch back on the shelves
Report on National Infrastructure Bank roundup
Economy and Infrastructure Roundup”, produced by the Economy Working Group of the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank. Filled with relevant climate information.
June 25 - Replace Jay Jacobs Coalition meeting, 7:00pm, zoom RSVP
Tell Congress: Pass the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax and save our democracy
Ask your reps to support #FixTheMTA here!
Send a message to Congress telling them to pass the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax now.
Add your name today if you agree it's time for Congress to pass the PRO Act to restore the right of workers to form a union and collectively bargain for wages, benefits, and dignity at work.
Sign the petition demanding the Amazon Board of Directors go to the negotiating table in good faith and work out a contract with the Amazon Labor Union.
Call your Assembly Member (returning for special session June 20th) and tell them to vote "yes" for the VIVA Bill MORE
June 24 - WFP Visibility & Street Canvass for Carmen de La Rosa, 11:00am-2:00pm, Washington Heights, NY 10032 RSVP
Working Families Party Campaign/Staffer Training, FREE virtual training series on Tuesdays and Thursday nights in the month of June to sharpen your campaign skills! RSVP
Seven Lessons We Should Have Learned From History — But Didn’t
There’s nowhere to escape the smoke from wildfires
Have Any of Karl Marx’s Critics Today Actually Read Him?
In 49 States, Your Boss Can Hold You Captive
‘Worthless’: Chevron’s carbon offsets are mostly junk and some may harm, research says
June 18
June 18 - Online Film Salon: “The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual For Military Occupation”, 3:00pm RSVP - TRAILER
June 19
June 19 - Canvas for Merton Simpson, noon-3:00pm, 21 Colvin Avenue Democratic Party Headquarters RSVP
June 19 - Read out the names on "Cornerstone of Peace" in Okinawa, 8:00-9:00pm, zoom MORE
June 20
June 20 - PNHP party “Celebrating Single Payer Champions”, 6:00pm - 8:30pm, virtual and in-person, SAJ NYC, 15 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 RSVP
June 21
June 21 - PNHP forum: “Protecting children from the upcoming “Medicaid Unwinding”, 9:00pm, zoom RSVP
June 21 - Rent Guidelines Board FINAL VOTE, 6:00pm, Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, NY RSVP Any rent increase would mean EVICTIONS. That’s why we need everyone to stand up together against evictions at this vote.
June 23
June 23 - Okinawa's Memorial Day in NY, 1:30-2:30pm, at the steps of 42nd Street NY Public Library on 5th Avenue MORE
June 23 - Weekly DSA/NYPAN table for the New York Health Act, noon-2:00pm, SW corner West 79th Street and Amsterdam at Duane Reade
June 24
June 24 - Public hospital nurses deserve a workable contract! Demo 11:30am, Carter Hospital, 1752 Park Avenue, Harlem
June 24 - WFP Visibility & Street Canvass for Carmen de La Rosa, 11:00am-2:00pm, Washington Heights, NY 10032 RSVP
June 25
June 25 - Protest at the White House to demand Biden take Cuba off the List of “State Sponsors of Terrorism” MORE
June 25 - Replace Jay Jacobs Coalition meeting, 7:00pm, zoom RSVP
June 27
June 27 - GOTV Poll Site Canvass for Jennyfer Almanzar , many times and locations RSVP
June 27 - Canvass for Maria & Luis Ordoñez for District Leader on Election Day!
June 29
June 29 - “Get Greenidge Out” press event & rally, tentatively 11:00am at the Bull on Wall Street. One year ago the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation denied climate-killing cryptominer Greenidge Generation’s air permit renewal. But a year later, Greenidge is still operating while it appeals that decision, still harming the climate, environment, and local economy by burning fracked gas just to mine Bitcoin.
June 29 - Demonstrate against Ron DeSantis’ fundraising in NY, 4:30-6:00pm, Suffern, NY RSVP
July 14
July 14 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, North Country Community College, Sparks Athletic Complex Alumni Gymnasium. 23 Santanoni Avenue, Saranac Lake NY 12983 RSVP
July 20
July 20 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, University at Albany: Campus Center Auditorium, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 RSVP
Aug. 3
Aug. 3 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 4
Aug. 4 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 5
Aug. 5 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 6
Aug. 6 - Green Party’s Annual National Meeting
Aug. 15
Aug. 15 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Westchester County Center, White Plains RSVP
Sep. 16
Sep. 16 - Table for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade kickoff event, 11:00am-6:00pm, Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building Plaza in Harlem SAVE the DATE!
Sep. 17
Sep. 17 - Flyer for the NY Health Act at the African American Day Parade, locations to be announced SAVE the DATE!
Aug. 24
Aug. 24 - Listening Session to Advance the Clean water Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, 1:00-3:00pm, Suffolk County Community College, Suffolk Credit Union Arena, Crooked Hill Rd, Brentwood, NY 11717 RSVP
Then we'd love you to become an Associate Member. Your membership helps us fight for progressive issues like the NY Health Act. Plus gets you access to special, members-only events. Thanks!